October 2019 Meetup Agenda and Notes

Washington-Caldwell PTO

Monday, October 7th, 2019

6:00-7:00 p.m. Open Session

PTO Meeting Minutes


              I.      Call To Order

Meeting called to order 6:04 p.m.


            II.      Treasure’s report:

BMO Harris Bank as of: Monday, October 7th, 2019

Savings: $6,811.35

Checking: $4,125.69


          III.      2019-2020 Budget discussed


              I.      Color-a-Thon: Waiting from Color-a-Thon for final figure that was raised


            II.      School PTO calendar changes:

·   PTO meeting changed to every 2nd Monday of the month to 5PM

·   1st movie night for all ages will be November 22, 2019


              I.      Fall Fest: Brien Family was in attendance and will be chairing the event and asked PTO board to provide SignUpGenius for volunteers.


            II.      School Board Meeting: Joane (PTO Vice President) will be attending

·   Provide Color-a-Thon figures

·   Movie Permission


              I.      Meeting Adjourned 6:39pm