April 2021 Meeting Notes

Washington-Caldwell PTO Meeting Minutes

6 p.m. April 12, 2021


Present: VV, Joane, Kelli, Lisa H, Taffy M., Toby T.


Called to order 6:01


PTO bank balances: $743.96 checking / $5,816.16 savings


spring fundraiser – cookbooks

Minuteman said we can do a half-page color with spiral

They can help with interior design if needed

Try to sell at end of May and into Fall – Get them the art at the  end of two weeks by 4/23.

Show cover in a pre-order form to get an estimate of how many to order.

Need a form to fill out and send money. Get some online donations via Venmo/PayPal. Taffy will set up a cash app for PTO with debit card.

Marking them at $15


mailbox stuff

box tops-NA

Cotton exchange receipt – to Taffy

Bank statements – to Taffy

Giving tree receipts – to Taffy

Toby snack receipts – all set

$109.80 – to Frances Stephens for personal hygiene items


book fair – setup May 11, spread out, not much table stuff so it is more covid-friendly, do dress up days for the fun of it

the 12th-13th: sell books

14th: sell books in morning, pack up by afternoon

Do digital wallet so parents can give kids $ and use virtually

Some volunteers will be needed for setup W/Th

Hand sanitize when they walk in, keep mask on, things are spread out

do ½ and ½, from PTO and book fair account, we could give each child X # of $ to spend. How much for each kid? Each kid can have a credit from us on their account – one book under $8. ~ we can advertise this on our web page (sales from cookbooks can help to buy books!)


carnival – 10 stations with 2 min to swap in between

$1,500 quoted (plus materials and snacks)

bingo, snack station (fruit snacks, popcorn, snowcone), dunktank, craft, free play (4square/chalk/bball), tricycle obstacle course (too dangerous?), tug of war, sack races, inflatable dart soccer board, inflatable connect four (teams) – we can use the giant connect-four as well; picture booth with inflatable props (school ipad—share with the webpages), take-home bag with trinkets and candy; Racine Zoo might be able to bring reptiles


movie license – let’s not reapply for it this year. We are not going to use it. Can reconsider it next year.


teacher meals – first week in May, teacher appreciation week; years of service – breakfast from parents with fruits and yogurt (7:45 am)  - we can do bagels/donuts, etc.


donuts for honor roll – 4th quarter, include 8th grade so do it the day of graduation, June 3, in the morning

teacher celebration gifts – lanyards – breakaway kind with stretchy part – total staff 30-40? Kelli will count. Microwave for teacher’s lounge?


8th grade graduation – they will have a smaller crowd – half a sheet cake (8 students/parents), decorations, punch


Open floor – online field trips w/ UWW – having issues on their side, no charge/TBD- we could do a donation as well (KV did not authorize $5/kid)


Adjourned 6:49 pm