December PTO Meeting Notes

Washington-Caldwell PTO Meeting Notes

Monday 12/13 6 pm


present: Taffy, Kelli, Lisa, Toby, Kevin, Joane, Val, Jonna J., Dawn K.


Funds: checking $2,143.10

savings $1,316.48


Penguin Patch: surpassed last year – we made just over $300. We can have it 2.5 days next year instead of 3. 

Because of our loyalty points with PP, we banked 4k points. In March we can pick something out for staff. 


Giving Tree: 7-8 families, a list was sent to Norway Lutheran. Yakers contributed $300. J. Miller went shopping. Kelli will evaluate what we need to add by Wed (snowboots, a winter coat, etc.) We also have a Sign-up Genius for this. Church usually provides wrapping paper.


Teacher breakfast: 25 staff; 12/22 morning, leftovers to be distributed to teachers to take home. Pies from Natalie: 2 apple, 1 cherry, 1 pumpkin. Cookies are good, too. Joane is making a signup link for parents to contribute. Juices/drinks should be single serve. Kevin will bring coffee in from Java Jo’s.


Basket raffle – wrapping on Wed. at 12:30. We donated $20 to each basket from the Uncle Harry’s gift cards.  We will take pictures and post on FB and on the webpage to promote. No presales; just tickets available on the 21st. We will use the Square card at the event--PTO members can download the app since they sent an extra device. We need some plastic wrap. Lisa will check Walmart.


Chill out – Jan. 7, 2022 (First Friday, start at 9.a.m.) 220 students for the event in the gym and in the library. 8th grade will prepare the cocoa. The littler kids will drink in the classrooms and cafeteria. Use the bigger cups with less amount of cocoa to prevent spills/mess. Maybe use paper cups instead of Styrofoam due to tippiness. Do the little candy canes as well (check Walgreen’s). Johnna will write something up for Parent Update. We will deliver items the week before.


PTO volunteer page updates:

Leave the list of events only and say, if you want to participate on these items, please contact us. Val will update.


Family directory – have it ready to go by first meeting in January, we will send it to Kelli and she will copy/distribute. Need any forms to be added. 


Open floor- Dawn will purchase a cookbook and add to the basket raffle: Zierath’s class has a grilling theme. PTO will find Dawn on Wed and we will sort it out.