January PTO Meeting Notes

January 10, 2022 at 6 p.m.

attending: Kelli V, Lisa H, Kevin M, Toby T, Taffy M, Krystal H, Val V


Funds update

$3,597.82 checking

$1,316.49 savings


Winter baskets/concert

$1,291 raised

8th grade had the most tickets. We had a couple people win multiple. But those are the odds. If you play the odds(purchase more tickets) then people can win more, not much we can do about it. Would it make sense to pull the tickets before the last song? We could try to coordinate with the music teacher next year to see if there is a break in the program when it would make sense to do it. This would give it more of a focus rather than at end when people are anxious to leave.


Spring fundraiser

We are doing a soft pretzel sale: Milwaukee Pretzel Co. Need to figure out dates.


Turn off the TV week (if we're doing it this year and when)

March 14th is the book fair—we booked it last year but Kelli can change the date. We liked having the book fair in May in the gym. In 2019, our gross sales were $3,500 in 4 nights of the fair. We did not have a book fair in 2020. In 2021, it was Wed/Th/Fri during school day and took in $4,800. We provided $10 for each student (~$1,700), and the kids had electronic wallets. 


To make money off it, the school has to buy Scholastic’s stuff. We get 40-50% if we buy from their catalog. If we want cash, it’s 20-25%. We can get STEM stuff, comfy chairs, art supplies, art kits, book sets for teachers, rugs. Last year we had a reward balance for $2,300.


Do we all want to turn off the screens? Is it a good return on investment? We could do family nights in the spring instead of doing book fair with screen-off events.


Plan and announce two family nights together, one between now and spring break and one in May. We could do one family night that is more elementary grades geared, one more middle school-ish. Night time or weekend afternoons?


We could do an Admiral school night, or a Wave game, or a bowling night or a skating night. Ice skating at Ten Club Park, or sledding at Waterford Town? We could do an outdoor parent night in May, with cornhole or playground night. A car show could include a DJ, and people would vote on their favorite car. There could also be food available (grill out with hot dogs and brats, have a game of kickball, family games).


Bulldog directory  

We are good to go with formatting but not printing (no printer toner); we can just share the spreadsheet link with the people who signed up for it. Let’s send from PTO email.


Chill out 

Hot chocolate was good, kids liked it. Good event.


End of year carnival 

We can do similar to last year (mostly outdoors). Kevin will do the pie again. Budget-wise, we can reconsider what it costs and what things we paid for. What can we pull together for less money than we paid? E.g., limbo, twister.


Giving Tree 

~$165 donated from the PTO. Norway Lutheran and Signup Genius parents donated gift cards and gifts, and the Yakers also shopped and got gift cards. Winter coat, boots, shoes, sweatshirts, etc.


Students of the month 

Lunches are going well, thanks Taffy for pulling it together. Culver’s this month for gluten-free student.


Open floor 

In years past, the PTO was going to work on a locker project: we were trying to get lockers in the elementary hallways too. Long-term this would be a great upgrade for the school. We could do a little at a time. Krista Augle might have access to someone with resources to get these from Spacesavers, possibly. School has a budget from the state and we potentially can spend some on this. We could also contact business owners in the area who might want to partner up on the strategic planning committee. We could talk to local biz to add their names to the lockers as sponsors. It could also be a banner we stick up in the gym to show the business as sponsors. Krystal mentioned Wind Lake Automotive. We also had some donations from Generac, Waterford Snowmobile Club for the STEM area of the library, which Kelli sent letters out asking them to contribute. BK3 Archery (Miller family) might be a resource. Minuteman press also has children who went to our school. We could draft a letter to send out that explains what their donation would be for (the why).

