November PTO Meeting Notes

Attending: Ashley, Kelli (also in school board meeting), Lisa, Toby, Val, Julianna


Start meeting: 6:05 p.m.


Bank balances 

Checking $4,984.66

Savings $1,608.02


Conference meal recap

Taco bar went well and was a hit. Easier for parents to bring smaller items than to ask for larger items. Ideas for the future: baked potato bar, nacho bar. Next conferences will be in February.


Fall Fest recap

Made $450 after pizzas and concessions.

Seemed like everyone waited to get food until the end to use up the tickets. Get a few more volunteers to help in concessions then. We could have more food items for dinner, such as pizza and hotdogs. Teri mentioned the Dousman Boo Bus had extra people volunteering. A few parents said it was too spooky for younger kids. 


Fundraisers - Seroogy's and Holen Photography

Chocolate and coffee -- profit of about $4,300, we spent $200 on prizes for kids, so we still made over 4k! A small issue when sorting, the coffee amount was incorrect. Lisa will follow up.


Holen Photography earned $800 for us, we will do a thank-you gift card for them. 


Lanyards for teachers  

“Go Bulldogs!” theme, Christmas present to teachers. Teri is going to order them.


Student of the month 

Does Kelli need more gift cards? Follow up.


Honor roll 

11/21 at 2:30-3 p.m. We will have to get ice cream. We have some toppings. We need to check the PTO email to see if anyone volunteered.


Holiday baskets 

All the classes have their theme. We have to get the flyer out to the parents so they can start donating items. Holiday concert is Dec 19th at 6 p.m. (Tuesday). We can put baskets together the week before.


Penguin Patch 

December 5th thru the 8th. Set up on the 4th. We will do a signup for parents to volunteer.

We can put the supplies somewhere, it’s already in the lobby at school. We can get the NJHS students to come help the younger kids shop and also wrap the gifts. 


Giving Tree

The church is unable to assist this year since the contact is no longer there. 

The church donated money $800 to the giving tree. There is also a need for items, if we could get donated items from parents or Tichigan Lake Yakers. We need to make sure we are covered costwise for carnival. We want to do the petting zoo again. We can then give a bit more from our photography monies since that was a nice extra amount.


Open floor

Lesson learned: Check shipping costs for the fundraisers in the future. Thanks to Lisa for driving up to De Pere to pick up and save us $400!

We will sell the surplus candy at the holiday concert. People might want to buy more of their favorites and we will let them know they’re available at pickup.