January PTO Meeting Notes

PTO meeting notes January 15, 2024


Present: Lisa H, Taffy M, Diane W, Val V, Teri T, Joane S, Julianna S, Ashley K


Meeting start: 6:05 p.m.


Bank balances

$4,142.88 checking

$4,558.15 savings


Movie license

We want to do the movie license and split the cost. The license is $441. Streaming option is $1k.


Movie night to talk to parents and promote referendum? Lisa will circle back with Kelli regarding having the honor society split the concession stand with us. Maybe in Feb or March? We could hopefully get a hotdog warmer with Penguin Patch points or order pizzas so people can have some dinner-type food with the movie.


Winter recital recap

We hit $2k on the holiday baskets. We sold more tickets this year than last year.

5th grade had three baskets!

Pizza party goes to 8th grade. We need to remind Mr. T that we will reimburse him when he wants to do it.


Yard signs for the Vote Yes referendum

$400-500 for the signs to pass the operational referendum (Diane W) parents split the cost last year but it’s the same parents. They have a $100 donation so far. We could help out since we all support the school and the kids. We could do $250 to help, and we can cut their costs. The check can be made out to Diane and she will get it to the




Penguin Patch & Giving Tree

We made $3,545.50 at the holiday shop. We received 10% of sales, so we donated $500 to the Giving Tree. We are signed up for December 9, 2024.


End-of-year carnival

We need to rent inflatables. We will reach out to AllStar. We also have the tug of war and three-legged race which we can do for no cost. The petting zoo was also a hit.


New member outreach

We need to have spring elections and try to get new members! The board members are all in excess of our terms. We need to communicate the need: there will be no more PTO without parents stepping up!


The SPC has their next initiative for parents to get more involved.


Sign-up Geniuses usually get good responses. Parents are willing to donate items but we also need to get people to donate their time. We should put feelers out for the carnival already.


Should we do an electronic survey to ask what night works best for parents? Virtual vs in-person meetings?  We can put it in the parent update.


Spring fundraiser

At the spring concert we could raffle “experiences” – stuff that isn’t  from the parents but maybe from businesses. We could also ask parents for ideas or if they have a business or a connection at any organization, or if they would buy a gift certificate to a local place. Kevin has said they could do a “be a principal for a half day” raffle. Maybe we could raffle off a Waterford fire dept or police dept ride to school, local businesses: Milwaukee Bucks, Betty Brinn, Milwaukee Zoo, etc. These could be a silent auction to raise funds.


Meeting end: 6:33 p.m.